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Mexican workers

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January 11, 2009 at 11:50 a.m.

Robby the Roofer

Why do Mexican workers have a reputation of doing "shoddy" work? Is it because Americanos are mad at them for taking away American jobs! This seems to be the most underling reason for this reputation and I here this all the time. Mexican workers can do good work and they are no different than Americans in that they need to be trained alike. There are less American workers going into the construction field today and just as many leaving the field. The Mexican workers are filling in that gap. It is up to the owners, managers, supervisors, and team leaders who bring Mexican workers aboard to make sure they are trained. Most American workers have graduated from high school while Mexican workers may only reach 3rd grade before they are convinced to go to work. That being said, an extra learning and training curve will need to be applied.

I am currently training a couple of Mexican workers in the installation of solar panels. The process is fairly simple with the exception of the mathematics portion to begin the layout. It will take extra time to help them in these areas and I am willing to do it. The worst case scenario would be to not train them and reputation of "shoddy" work will be vilified. >>>

January 28, 2009 at 10:29 a.m.


One more thing.. as to Shoddy work the Mexicans do... Right now the majority of our business is going back over and repairing or reroofing the work they have done..Thats the only thing good about It!>>>

January 28, 2009 at 10:27 a.m.


In the South(Georgia) Many , Many AMERICANS in The Construction Business have LOST Jobs due to Builders /Contractors Hiring Illegals! IT is a Flat out Lie that they do the work we do not want to do. We have been in the roofing Business for Over 25 Years, The last 3 Years have been a Shock as to the Job Losses in our Area..What Needs done is enforce the laws that have been on the books for years! The Problem is with the Builders/Contractors that Hire them!>>>

January 27, 2009 at 9:48 p.m.


Thing that always bothered me was hearing politicians saying: "They take the jobs we don't want." Americans would love to have these jobs, but can't afford to live and feed families at the same pay the illegals will do it for.>>>

January 24, 2009 at 8:03 a.m.



Here's an example of untrained Messicans in the 1st few pics

And I don't blame the Messicans, I am sure they knew 3 words of English: Shingles, squares & Dinero. Prolly all that their American Boss required of 'em >>>

January 17, 2009 at 11:53 a.m.


I think there are a cople of reasons our Southern neighbors are going home, not least is that it costs alot less to hang out w/out a job down there than it does here, especially when the weather here is less than pleasant. It is not as easy now to job hop for them and with the cash sent home over the years, why not. They will be back though as soon as it is more situation improves. There were some fellas in a firm I worked for not so long ago who were not at all inconvenienced when picked up on this side and sent home. They would always be back within a day or two.>>>

January 17, 2009 at 10:48 a.m.


Ya know.....On a positive note; Illegals are supposedly leaving the U.S. and going back south...I must admit, there appears to be more and more Americans on jobsites these days....That may be due to the slow-down in construction which has forced Americans to enter into the trades, so-to-speak.

I do know the labor pool of recent is expanding; We're paying more than ever to our employees.....Which would typically not be the case in a slow-down....The wages typically go down...The people we hire these days tend to be much more responsible/qualified than that of years past.....hmmmm,.... interesting.....Half-azz illegals leave....labor pool increases with more qualified applicants, pay scale goes up.....could be a good thing.....I could be wrong though....>>>

January 17, 2009 at 12:17 a.m.


I'm really tired of job-sites that have loud boomboxes cranked up with Mexican polkas and blabbedy blab blab blab blab filling every minute. The ONLY thing they beat is jobsites booming Limbaugh blab blab blab. And no, I can't work properly with classical. Actually I prefer quiet. That goes for loud rock too, and loud country with little or no Merle and lots and lots of whining guitars and whining young fake cowboys. What amazes me more than anything is that I seem to pretty much get along with everybody as long as they pay attention and aren't mean. Some of the Mexicans I've seen are great workers. Lathers in particular. Very can-do people. Too much can-do in many cases in that they tend to lack a certain awe when approaching the unknown. In terms of general traits, they seem to consider picking up their trash women's work and they follow a different aesthetic to be sure. Painting an entire house bright orange with blue trim isn't my idea of classy. I just have a different mind-set. In general, I like the WAY they work but often have a problem with the end product. In general I have not found them to be finesse roofers but I could say the same of every other sub-group too. People think that because it's hard and hot and dirty and heavy, roofing is not for finesse, but in fact to do it properly you have to be a little bit anal and definitely thorough. Every little screw-up can eat you later.>>>

January 16, 2009 at 9:24 a.m.


Your not going to get any real or accurrate statistics from the gov't....Or any other liberal organization.....The real "statistics" are right here.....on the front-line....from those of us that live it....

The head of homeland security had illegals working for him, for Pete's sake.....And what about this character Tim,something, nominated by Obama that evaded self-employment taxes to the tune of $34K for multiple years...Of course that's okay, because he's paying it now, (because he has to).....He's supposed to oversee the IRS?

It all seems absurd until one realizes the absurdity and hypocracy of the whole mess, (U.S. Gov't.)...

This subject's been batted around forever.....The answer is plain as day, but our gov't./liberalized society will never allow it....>>>

January 15, 2009 at 7:11 p.m.


There are several "dynamics" at work here.....Yes, in general, illegals, ("i.e. Mexicans"), do inferior work. I'll touch on a couple of the primary causes...

First off, one has to realize their mind-set; Their stomaches are in the U.S.A., but their hearts are in Mexico.... They're here on a "temporary" basis, to extract as much money as quickly as possible, to send to their homeland/families. They are opportunists; Just as the contractors that hire them.

I speak from experience. We had 80+ employees 10 yrs. ago, mostly hispanic, (Mexican imigrants), most of which, as we realized later, were illegals, (just as most are in construction). To maintain any reasonable level of quality performance takes a tremendous amount of training as well as an absurd amount of supervision; It's all a waste of effort/expense, because they really don't have their hearts in it for the long-term.....

Since our "hay-days" we've down-sized and only hire U.S.A. legal, English speaking ONLY, employees. It's extremely difficult to find good American workers...However they're out there......And let me tell you; It's waaaayyyyy less stressfull! There are very few truly U.S.A. legal hispanic roofers in this area..... Most hispanic roofers we've come in contact with are illegals....Oh sure, they've got all the documentation, and most of our competitors will hire them anyway, figuring they're covered....which they are, (Uncle Sam could care less)....

Anyhow....that's enough ranting for now.....>>>

January 15, 2009 at 11:08 a.m.


A theory I've always held;

When it comes to new construction, the 'Whole package' can be overwhelming to the buyer. Millions of square inches to be inspected, and tiny tiny, but important thing are overlooked by buyers, builders, and all.

A theory I've always held;

When it comes to remodeling, there is already a comfort zone about the existing house, and an awareness of it's short-comings, even if only subconsciously. The Addition will be examined very closely.

Let the remodel be something small, or localized, and the critique will be critical.

It's why builders are held in higher esteem than remodelers and roofers. Etc, etc,>>>

January 14, 2009 at 8:53 p.m.


Generally in any trade-the shoddy work is performed by those in the labor force who have not been adequately educated and trained in the proper waterproofing techniques. But I must say that those who do shoddy work around here are those working the the field of new construction building the newer homes and thus, we have more roof repairs to do where the homes are under five years or less.>>>

January 14, 2009 at 12:56 a.m.

Robby the Roofer

ALBA.....JED....You are right on! I have to tell you, though, most of all the american workers in the roofing industry that I had an opportunity to work with are....druggies, drunks, running from child suport, and have a pocket full of excuses why they can't work today. They are not all bad people, they just have problems that follow them to work everyday and are undesirable to work with.>>>

January 14, 2009 at 12:43 a.m.

Robby the Roofer

It seems the further south you go the worst it gets (legal vs. illegal mexican workers. Most illegals here are farm workers, but the gov't is cracking down hard on farmers now.>>>

January 14, 2009 at 12:38 a.m.

Robby the Roofer

HATCHMAN.......I am in the Pac NW, most companies pay by the square as low as $15 per sq. for a 5/12 (composition). Our co. piece work is much higher, allowing our workers to focus on quality and reduces the amount of squares they have to install each day. Most of our mexican workers are crossed trained in various dicsiplines needing some, little, or no guidance from thier team leaders. We only have two official mexican laborers, they work well and hard and are usually rewarded with a $150 a day. The rest are paid higher...so the guys that worked with me were of the "paid higher" category.>>>

January 13, 2009 at 9:12 p.m.


Mexicans are good workers .They work hard , they don't cry complain smartmouth their bosses.Their offspring though will be just as spoiled as americans.Another ethnic group will take their place.maybe the chinese.I haven't met any chinese roofers yet.>>>

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