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Dear Mr. Mittens

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November 3, 2012 at 2:23 a.m.


Sorry you can't use toe-boards out there, Tom. Look on the bright side. Your guys will get so accomplished that they can moonlight on search and rescue teams on the weekends.

I believe in freedom of religion and nothing will change that much, but when someone tells me someone has spent two years as a missionary and ten years as a minister... of the Mormon church... what I actually do is cringe. When those folks are nearby, I thank my lucky stars I was not born female. There are some other groups that evoke the same response in me. No matter. If my own son had spent twelve years that way I think I'd keep quiet about it. Fortunately he didn't and to each his own. Up to a point. Since global warming is not causing climate change and the world population is not undermining the health and sanity of every living thing on the planet, I suspect it doesn't matter who wins the election. We're good to go either way.

I do pray, though, and I do a lot of it.

November 2, 2012 at 10:32 p.m.


I spoke to Mitt about your request and he said it's probably best that you write-in Gary Johnson, or Willie Nelson, or Ronald McDonald, or any other name you like.

He suggested that, in these waning days before the election, I concentrate my efforts on those trying to elect a president, not on those trying to perpetuate the very problems they complain about by wasting their vote on someone not even in the race.

November 2, 2012 at 9:38 p.m.


Please Mr. Mittens, acknowledge the problem. No more platitudes about fixing this, or eliminating that. Here is a REAL problem affecting REAL people looking you square in the eyes.

Don't run away from the truth like you did with the fallout from your 47% comment. Don't be hiding. Just stand up and lie ! For at least a couple of days so I can muster up the courage (? yuk!) to hand my vote over to you.

Just Do it! (Followed by a song and some great overused marketing speil along w/ a homage to God and family!)

November 2, 2012 at 8:33 p.m.


I won't attempt to convince anyone that Romney is a saint, but I guess I've researched his background more than most have. He is a moral man, a religious man. He has given tens of millions to charity, at one point he gave his entire inheritance to charity and started over with nothing. How many reading this would do that?

He served two years as a missionary, ten as a minister. This man has a moral core and a history of selflessness the likes of which nine out of ten reading this can never come close to.

Gary Johnson seems ok because he hasn't been through the public proctological exam that Romney has. If he had, I imagine Johnson would turn out to have some warts.

November 2, 2012 at 7:28 p.m.


I'd love to see his answer to you live, in person, unscripted. Unfortunately, he probably owns stock in the rope company or plays butt tag, err uhh golf, w/ the OSHA fatcats.

Ever seen www.isidewith.com? I got 93% Johnson, 91% Libertarion, and mid 50's agreeing w/ Obamma & the Mitt.

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