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Dear Mr. Mittens

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November 2, 2012 at 6:48 p.m.


Mr. Mittens, I'd sure like to vote for you. I really would. Not because I like you. Or think that you'd be anywhere close to effective. I'd like to vote for you because the other guy laid this OSHA crap on my business.

There is no way I'd vote for Obama. I might vote for you tho Mitt. Yes I know you will raise taxes, increase government and make life HELL too, but my vote IS FOR SALE.

Simply say you will attack these OSHA regs and I will vote for you. Lie to me. Go ahead. LIE DAMMIT! You've been doing it along. It's OK. We Americans go along with the lies quite well. In fact all I am saying TELL ONE MORE!

What's one more friggin' lie?!?!?!?

Mr. Mittens we are close. A few more days. The most important election in a generation we are told. Hard to believe after 2000-2008, but we Americans DO go along with the hype and nonsense. You don't have to actually do anything......JUST LIE TO ME!

"They" say a vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama. Don't make me do it. OK I'll do it. But if you would only tell ONE MORE lie to get ONE MORE vote I am sure we can do business together sir

November 7, 2012 at 8:47 p.m.


Here is a thoughtful reason why Mitt lost:



November 7, 2012 at 8:08 p.m.


The economy tanked on George's watch because he wasn't paying attention. That was my greatest fear, a likable guy not up to the job. Plus, his cronies from the south manipulated FERC and the natural gas pipelines to completely thwart free enterprise in the power industry. That cost me 100k and it was not a paper loss. Hurt me way more than the economy the last four years. Same for the housing crash. That cost me another 150k, but if we discount gains from the bubble effect, that was a paper loss. We'll have to see if the economy tanks again. It is most definitely not certain that it will. The budget and deficit crisis belongs to all of them. Every last faction.

Romney was extremely gracious in defeat. I have a lot of additional respect for him now that I didn't have before. If the GOP leadership decides that to succeed in the future it needs to run someone more to the right of Romney, it will only get worse. Worse as in no chance. Although for some reason it never seems to hamper Biden, loose cannons sink ships.

November 7, 2012 at 6:14 p.m.



I like you Tim. I respect you. But really man.....give America a decent candidate.

November 7, 2012 at 5:47 p.m.


I don't know if the Gary Johnson voters helped reelect Obama or not, but I need to be pissed off at someone so they're as good as anyone. One thing is for dang sure, they didn't help matters any.

When this economy tanks, I sincerely hope that people will direct a proper amount of wrath toward the Gary Johnson voters.

November 7, 2012 at 1:50 a.m.


---While I am no fan of the Morman religion which I believe is a deception I would have no problem supporting a Morman candidate for political office. ---Mormons come across as hard working, dedicated, strong about family, having integrity, live honestly and generally live and practice lives that would make great examples for many others. ---With the other candidate an outspoken statist and redistribution advocate it is a no-brainer to me.


November 6, 2012 at 8:11 p.m.


Thanks Woody. I hold you in high esteem and the thoughtfulness and intelligence shown in your post is just another reason to support my opinion of you. I will never mention the emblem of commitment again, to anyone, you have my word on that. Not going for the tablets. Not going for them as special missives ala Moses and the commandments, nor for their mysterious disappearance being attributed to their having been reclaimed by God. But most of all, I can't abide the innate sexist tone. I firmly and irrevocably believe that tone has no place at this stage of man's emotional development and is a willful obstruction to our cultural evolution. I'm unbending on this which is something for a person who prides himself on the willingness to accommodate and bend. My high school chemistry teacher had to wait outside the inner sanctum while his daughter was married. Just because he was known to smoke on occasion. Cutting people, all of whom are flawed in some manner, off from the sacred rites of passage is in itself a major sacrilegious act and fifty years later I still find it unforgivable. My ancestors, the millions of them who lived and died long before Mr. Smith was offending people and getting himself into trouble everywhere he went do not need me to convert to provide them with an afterlife they might otherwise have attained. Can't do it.

But that will be the end of it I assure you and I will say not one whit more about it, if for no other reason than to spare the undoubtedly many highly ethical, well-meaning people of that faith any greater sense of discrimination, except or until I find their ideology impinging on my own sense of righteousness and freedom.

November 6, 2012 at 5:12 p.m.


Thanks for that, Woody.

I care a lot less about a man's faith than I do whether he's honored it, and more importantly is he a good person. What has he done when nobody is watching?

I don't know Obama's true faith. Some heavy hitters who're smarter than me, swear he's Muslim. If he is a Christian, he is a bad one.

And even thowing all that out and starting anew, Obama had his chance and failed. Just like that guy you hired to run a spudbar who keeps gouging holes in the roof - after repeatedly failing the job, he has to go.

November 6, 2012 at 9:19 a.m.


I was raised in a Mormon family and am very familiar with its tenets. As a youth, you are expected to progress to differnt levels and when you reached a certain level you were told at that point "Woe is to you if you deny our teachings after reaching this level." (That has been since moderated) Since I had issues with the church, I decided that was the point where I get off.

In the 40 years since then, I have been to church about than a dozen times, mostly for milestone events for relatives. It's for that reason, I've never felt an obligation to identify myself as a Mormon or defend a church that I have my own issues with. Perhaps I've been selfish in my silence on the issue on this forum, as I want to know the true feelings of people and don't want anyone to hold back to spare me.

The other night my wife expressed relief that this election cycle had much less in the way of Mormon bashing than she had feared. Since I was on this site at the time and the subject had come up, I read to her some of the things on this thread. It was her reaction that compels me to write responses to the issues raised.

As to the young missonaries: I suppose I have a bit of a soft spot for them, as I would not exist if my Great-grandfather had not been converted by missionaries in Switzerland over a century ago. Nonetheless, I was a bit apprehensive when my own son wanted to go on one, I considered it a bit of a waste of a valuable two years in a young persons life and it has a way of really being a binding experience between that person and the church.

But my son's experience in France surprised me. He learned more about bigotry and service than he could have ever learned staying here. Not just bigotry against Mormons, but experienced by the mostly African immigrant community that he worked with. He taught classes on learning French and English to them.

There are no ministers in the Mormon church. You have to get very high up before there is any paid clergy at all. Mitt Romney was a Bishop, a position that requires probably 30 hours a week of time as a leader of a congregation of about 600. It's a lot of responsibility to be willing to volunteer to do.

I believe that the golden plates were real. Don't get too hung up on the shiny object or value of the gold. It doesn't strike me as that far out that ancient scribes would want to record their history in a soft metal that would last a long time. They were found in a hill in an area known to be inhabited by an ancient people referred to as the "mound people" that for unknown reasons built small hills.

I have read the Book of Mormon and I find it unfathomable that a young man of Joseph Smith's age could have made it all up. However, I found to be a depressing statement about mankind, a continual story of wars between the wicked and the faithful. I don't, however find a real strong correlation between today's Mormonism and the history of ancient people. But then, I don't find a strong correlation between say, Jonah and the whale and todays' religions either.

As to the underwear, it isn't considered it to be "magic". It is to be a reminder of commitments made by the person wearing it. Being underwear it is meant to be personal and not an open display of anything meant for the public. It is for that reason that, while being low hanging fruit for criticism, something sacred to them that is easily implied as a fetish or really wierd, it is probably one of the most hurtful criticism you can make to a devout Mormon.

Thanks to any of you that have made it through this long post.

November 4, 2012 at 7:55 p.m.


Egg, all I know about the Mormon religion is that most of the reasons people use to distrust it, are outdated notions about practices they ended eons ago.

More importantly, at least to me, is that Mitt has been true to his morals...he has never smoked or drank, and while that may seem like a small thing, discipline is what I want in my president. Obama has none!

That more people don't draw a clear distinction between the two candidates in the race, spooks me. It seems clear as a bell to me.

As for a libertarian candidate, now just isn't the time to be laying the groundwork for 2016 and more likely far beyond that when a libertarian will have a real chance. This country will be in the toilet long before then if Obama wins. Life is full of "lesser of two evil" decisions, and libertarians wanting that not to be the case is why few take them seriously.

Romney buys us more time - like it or ot, that's what it is about right now.

November 4, 2012 at 5:52 a.m.


Hey woody that is good from Wayne Allyn. I got one e-mail from him once claiming to be Obama's college roomate. Other Republicans claim Obama came from Mars or Kenya or somewhere.

I don't know what to think sometimes.

It's too bad tho.....before Obama there were no taxes. Only sweet honey and fresh fruit dangling from trees.

We were truly blessed here, before Obama. Fish would jump from the waters right into our frying pans. The cows slaughtered themselves, wrapped themsleves in paper and jumped right into our freezers!

Before Obama EVERY American had a job and made $100,000 a WEEK. And the government had no debt!

Free food. Millions of dollars in disposal income. We had it made! Now look at us. Sad. disheveled. Working like dogs to pay for this thing called "war".

Yes, let's get back to the Good Old Days! You go Mitt!

November 4, 2012 at 5:23 a.m.


wywoody Said: I think it would be naive to think any president would be responsible for individual safety regulations of OSHA.....

The naivete' on our part is thinking that -YES!- Mittens (or any Repub) would actually do anything about HUGE EXCESSIVE Government. HOWEVER, The DuoPoly is built to PROFIT from this excess and THRIVE on it.

Do something to shrink it? That is a fairy tale they lay on us Independents, i.e. 3rd party holdouts. The other 97% are right in the line for their benefits.....even if the only benefit is believing the election fever lies, or living in La La Land

All Twill is asking is to join the ranks of the decieved. Just tell one MORE lie! So I too can believe.... at least until Wednesday! I will feel soooo American! I will swoon!

Ego? I dunno. After getting over 40 or so, I realize I am only Charlie Brown trying to kick a football.

November 3, 2012 at 3:50 p.m.


dub, that's the truth. The last time a third party made any serious waves (not counting the impact of Nader on Gore's run) on a grand scale was when Ross Perot threw out his gauntlet. Not even Teddy Roosevelt was able to win as a third-party candidate (Bullmoose.) If we are serious about allowing third-party influence in American politics, we have to switch to a parliamentary system. Long, long overdue, but I'm not holding my breath.

That fracking business is what we used to call "unreal." It boggles the mind.

Woody, that was about the cleanest, most concise, cogent statement I've read in a very long time and it will be fascinating to see if it holds true.

As far as socialism goes and how it immediately affects my personal involvement with the government, I have vacillated for years now between foolishly hoping they would just offer me a lump-sum payback of the money I have put into SS and Med and cut me loose and taking the Kennedy-era stance ("Ask not what your country can do for you; ask rather what you can do for your country.") and just declining to enroll in either. In the end, keeping those options open for the long-term, I enrolled in Medicare this month, to become effective in January, and intend to enroll in SS at full retirement age in another year. Who knows, maybe if or when my reserve balance falls to zero, with or without any adjustment for reasonable interest, I will voluntarily withdraw from both. There's just no telling. I think I'll just kick the can down the road on that one, as our fearless leaders do. I have my grandchildren to think about and whether or not to include everybody else's grandkids in my reckoning is an open question for the moment. Very vexing to say the least. The entire picture is very vexing indeed.

Fortunately we still have some separation of church and state. That means we don't have to be absolutely terrified about any candidate's religion. But golden tablets and full-body underwear. You have got to be kidding me.

November 3, 2012 at 8:53 a.m.


Tom. I don't know if this will help you decide, but the author was the Libertarian VP candidate in 08.


November 3, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.


They don't want you to vote third party unless it takes away from the other guy. This is why Fox & MSN don't televise 3rd party debates, AND snip Ron Paul's statements. We all know this. Why would we continue to ignore 3rd parties, whilst a large percentage of our constituents have been unhappy with our leadership for so long?

If more people would have voted for who they wanted 15 years ago, rather than falling subject to the game, we may actually have some leaders the people LOVE.....you know like Korea. Ok maybe not like that, but I would honestly like to know what its like to actually Trust and Value our President. I don't really want one who deregulates crews fracking in the national forest 300 yards from my house. They don't at this point, but I see the greedy eyes.

November 3, 2012 at 8:02 a.m.


I think it would be naive to think any president would be responsible for individual safety regulations of OSHA. The first time fall protection rules were lowered from 10' to 6' was during the first Bush administration, then changed back during Clinton. I bet, if asked today, neither would be aware of them changing either way.

Tom there is only one reason for you to vote for Gary Johnson. That would be if it makes you feel like your vote stands out more when it shows up in the stats as one of 30,000 in Indiana voting for GJ vs being lost in the 1.5 million voting for Mitt. Let your ego be your guide.

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