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January 20, 2009 at 12:44 p.m.


Felicitations à mes amis et voisins Americain! Congratulations to my American friends and neighbours! The 44th president has given a kick-a$$ inaugural speech, and the ceremony has pre-empted all regular programming up here in Canada, showing the degree of interest this event has. So, what's the mood like at your place?


January 29, 2009 at 9:25 a.m.


Chicago Los Angeles New York Detroit......do you see now? I hope so 'cos i'm over it already. >>>

January 29, 2009 at 8:22 a.m.

Patty Cakes

Jed, make it north for Sunday and maybe we can cheer you up!!!

You are from the State of Duh, virtually all the Southern States voted Republican and have the highest rate of Blacks. If the Blacks came out in floods ( no pun intended ) why the Republican landslide in the South? Do you have any insight to the general feelings they had? Just asking. PC>>>

January 29, 2009 at 7:40 a.m.


I see this morning his "stimulus package" passed without a single republican vote. Goes right along with his promise of a bi-partisan policy huh.......... Delusional, arrogant......egomaniacal.....in that order.......promises that can't be kept.......it'll all end in tears....>>>

January 29, 2009 at 6:52 a.m.


Obviously more whites than blacks voted for obama. How could it be any other way? Whites hold the majority. The blacks who traditionally don't vote, did this time was the point I was so inept at trying to make. Supporting a leader because he is the leader amounts to little more than blind faith.>>>

January 28, 2009 at 11:54 p.m.

Patty Cakes

Terry, wrong neighborhood. The Harrisburg area, the lovely home of Three Mile Island. TMI is right up there with the guests from Gitmo. We don't want them in our neighborhood. In all fairness to TMI, after the 1979 very close melt down it is extremely guarded in all respects of management and security. If TMI is ever hit :woohoo: I'll say my goodbyes now. As for Gitmo, that is one hot potato. The best I can say is speedy trials, incarceration and crossed fingers.

Jed, It is so claimed that 60% of the white voters voted for Obama. We all need a ray of sunshine on occasion. We all know a president can only do so much regardless of his wishes and wants. He needs the support from our elected officials especially and it takes us to clean house at our level by keeping good people in and voting out the rotten apples.

It would help if Corporate America wasn't so greedy, selfish and spoiled.

Alba, no one is safe from the comedians.....give them time.>>>

January 28, 2009 at 10:38 a.m.


The black vote is overrated.they are only 12% of the population.Obama won in a landslide with 345 electoral votes.He got the white votes too even though many whites claim they voted for MCcain.It's amazing how friendly the media is to the new president.I haven't seen any comedians yet to make fun of him.Poor G W Bush was mocked from the day one.>>>

January 28, 2009 at 9:20 a.m.


......illegal aliens can't vote Robert, no way, I'm talking about the black vote........yeah, yeah.....go ahead......crucify me......>>>

January 28, 2009 at 9:10 a.m.


Very true jed,they were able to motivate voters who would normally have never voted,like the illegal aliens! :woohoo:>>>

January 28, 2009 at 8:56 a.m.


Arrogant and bombastic come to mind, oh yeah, delusional too. Despatching Mitchell to the Middle East, why? Mitchell was a part of the "succesfull" peace negotiation in NI because it was about gangsterism, evolved from a conflict over suppression by the British a couple of hundred yrs back. The Middle East is about control of Jerusalem going back Millenia. Attempting to solve it is an excersise in futility, and a PR stunt. It will amount to nothing. Negotiate with Iran, why? The best we can expect is them adopting the bait and switch system the North Koreans currently employ. Worse is we do this at the behest of the Saudis, so that they don't have to. Iran WILL go nuclear, they have to, they are not going to back down and lose face to the infidels, subsequently Egypt, Jordan and the rest will be forced to follow suit. The Myan calender predicts 2012 as the end, I suspect if they are right it will be coincidence. 54% obama 46% Mcain. This was not because he was popular with the majority, it is because he was popular with the minorities. The media kept on claiming the election was not about race. BS, the statistics show it was ALL about race. ........end of rant.........sorry......>>>

January 28, 2009 at 8:19 a.m.

Terry D

Obama is already campaigning for a second term. He has already told us that he can't fix everything in one term, it is going to take a second term in office to get things right.

Patty, you are out near Somerset, aren't you? Near Murtha's district? How much of a slap in the face would it be to the citizens of Somerset, not to mention the familys of those who gave their life on 9-11 by fighting the terrorists in that plain, to do as Murtha said and bring the prisoners from Gitmo to his district? It makes me sick just to think about it!

Scared? Hell No! I am terrified of what this man thinks he can do! I hope with all my heart that he is a successful president because it is my life and security that he holds in his hands. I have no choice but to accept him as president, but I don't have to like it!>>>

January 27, 2009 at 9:32 p.m.


I am first an American. I hope he is the best president we ever had! That being said, I can't help but think the "CHANGE" we voted for is the change from the same old Republican B.S. back to the same old Democratic B.S.!! Just look at he people he has surrounded himself with. Biden, V.P.; been part of the problem for 30+ years! same old same old...Hillary?! Change? c'mon...really

But I do remain hopeful, at least.>>>

January 27, 2009 at 9:06 p.m.


Obama what did he do for illinois before he became president?Highest tax rate in the country?High unemployment?Hes a one term president for its going to get much worse and theres nothing he can do about it!>>>

January 27, 2009 at 9:04 p.m.


Were in it know clean coal is going to shut down the coal industry,he will also kill drilling in the U.S. By the time him and left wing nut cases running the country now are done so will we be done! :S>>>

January 27, 2009 at 6:26 p.m.


The way this country is today Im ready for change. Give the man a chance. Ya never know. Politics are politics so nothing is going to be perfect.>>>

January 27, 2009 at 6:03 p.m.


Obama has become sort of a saint.I'm thinking what has he done for the mankind so far to deserve that kind of status except run for the president.I never was a fan of Bush but using him as a scapegoat blaming him for all our problems is a dangerous scary thing to do.It shows that we may not be able to ever find out what got us into this mess therefore we'll be likely to repeat our mistakes.>>>

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