To learn more about the SRC Summit, visit their RCS Directory.
How much April charged for her events back in 2012 The number of people she had at her first event Why creating more value can solve a ton of problems When April's not throwing events, she's taking time to plan the next event, travel, hanging out with friends, and her son. The biggest need inside of the storm restoration industry Another company April owns and how she leverages it to generate additional revenue One thing April doesn't allow at her conferences A*+9pril's main goal of hosting the SRC Summit How to tell the difference between broke roofers and the ballers The Best Storm Restoration Contractor Conference in the United States Why April didn't move her conference during Covid How you can plug into the most impactful storm restoration conference in the United States.
Heidi J. Ellsworth visits with April Hall, President of Storm Consultants, LLC and the powerhouse behind the SRC Summit. They review the schedule and importance of April’s upcoming convention. The SRC Summit brings in roofing contractors from all over the U.S. for 2 1/2 days of learning, networking and fun. Some of the industry's top experts will be sharing their strategies for success during the summit. April shares the lineup of speakers, why this is important for roofing companies’ 2021 business success and how contractors can continue to provide excellence in the storm restoration market.
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