templates/forms/directory/directory-type.html.twig line 1

  1. {% if item is not empty %}
  2. <div class="alert alert-info">
  3.     {% if purchaseItem is empty %}
  4.         <div class="float-right">
  5.             <button
  6.                 type="submit"
  7.                 name="action"
  8.                 value="discard"
  9.                 class="btn btn-link p-0"
  10.             ><i class="fa fa-close"></i> Discard</button> or
  11.             <button
  12.                 type="submit"
  13.                 class="btn btn-link p-0"
  14.                 name="action"
  15.                 value="add_to_cart"
  16.             ><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> Save and create new</button>
  17.         </div>
  18.     {% else %}
  19.         <div class="float-right">
  20.             <a
  21.                 href="/be-part-of-the-directory"
  22.                 class="btn btn-link p-0"
  23.             ><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Create New Directory</a>
  24.         </div>
  25.     {% endif %}
  27.     You are currently editing item: #{{ item.getId() }}
  28. </div>
  29. {% endif %}
  30. <h1 style="color: #a41822">Be Part of the RCS Directory</h1>
  31. <p class="mt-4">RoofersCoffeeShop.com offers monthly and annual packages to be featured in the RCS Directory. We offer directories for Products & Services, Distributors, Associations, Consultants and Manufactoers Reps. You also have the option to have featured placement, putting your directory listing on top of others in searches behind our partners.</p>
  32. <div class="row my-3">
  33.     <div class="something-great-photo">
  34.         <img src="/uploads/media/2016/12/something-great-roofing1.jpg" alt="Be Part of Something GREAT! Be Part of the RCS Directory #1" loading='lazy'>
  35.     </div>
  36.     <div class="something-great-photo">
  37.         <img src="/uploads/media/2016/12/something-great-roofing2.jpg" alt="Be Part of Something GREAT! Be Part of the RCS Directory #2" loading='lazy'>
  38.     </div>
  39.     <div class="something-great-photo">
  40.         <img src="/uploads/media/2016/12/something-great-roofing3.jpg" alt="Be Part of Something GREAT! Be Part of the RCS Directory #3" loading='lazy'>
  41.     </div>
  42.     <div class="something-great-photo">
  43.         <img src="/uploads/media/2016/12/something-great-roofing4.jpg" alt="Be Part of Something GREAT! Be Part of the RCS Directory #4" loading='lazy'>
  44.     </div>
  45.     <div class="something-great-photo">
  46.         <img src="/uploads/media/2016/12/something-great-roofing5.jpg" alt="Be Part of Something GREAT! Be Part of the RCS Directory #5" loading='lazy'>
  47.     </div>
  48. </div>
  49. <h2 class="mb-3 mt-4">Step 1: Select Your Directory from the Dropdown Menu</h2>
  50. <select required multiple id="select_type" name="directory_type[]" class="selectpicker form-control" style="margin-bottom: 20px; height: 130px;">
  51.     {% for type in directoryTypes %}
  52.         {% if type.getTitle() != "RCS Partners" %}
  53.             <option
  54.                 value="{{ type.getTitle() }}"
  55.                 {# {{ chosenDirectoryTypes is not empty and type.getId() in chosenDirectoryTypes ? 'selected' : '' }} #}
  56.             >{{ type.getTitle() | raw }}</option>
  57.         {% endif %}
  58.     {#
  59.         <option value="16">Associations</option>
  60.         <option value="4">Consultants</option>
  61.         <option value="8">Contractors</option>
  62.         <option value="2">Distributors</option>
  63.         <option value="32">Manufacturers Reps</option>
  64.         <option value="1">Products & Services</option>
  65.         <option value="64">RCS Partners</option>
  66.     #}
  67.     {% endfor %}
  68. </select>
  69. <h2 class="mt-4">Step 2: Choose Your Directory Package</h2>
  70. <p class="mt-3 mb-4">Each directory offers the options to list your company name, logo (that links to you website), company description (with ability to make text bold, italic, add links etc.), corporate address, phone number, email address and links to your website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube pages. You can also add unlimited keywords to be searched by in the directory and the website at large. Manufacterers Reps also has the option to list lines and partners. Choose your RCS Directory package:</p>
  71. {#
  72. <h3 style="color: #a41822"><strong>Premium Directory Listing Purchase</strong></h3>
  73. <p>Listed alphabetically in the chosen directory and in directory searches behind advertiser listings. Also listed in site-wide searches on RoofersCoffeeShop.com.</p>
  74. <label class="d-block"><input required type="radio" name="directory_subscription" value="premium-annual"> <strong>Annual</strong> option for $2000 per year{# (renewing automatically each year) # }.</label>
  75. <label class="d-block"><input required type="radio" name="directory_subscription" value="premium-monthly"> <strong>Monthly</strong> option for $175 per month{# (renewing automatically each month) # }.</label>
  76. <hr />
  77. <h3 style="color: #a41822"><strong>Standard Directory Listing Purchase</strong></h3>
  78. <p>Listed alphabetically in the chosen directory and in directory searches behind premium and advertiser listings. Also listed in site-wide searches on RoofersCoffeeShop.com.</p>
  79. <label class="d-block"><input required type="radio" name="directory_subscription" value="standard-annual"> <strong>Annual</strong> option for $500 per year{# (renewing automatically each year) # }.</label>
  80. <label class="d-block"><input required type="radio" name="directory_subscription" value="standard-monthly"> <strong>Monthly</strong> option for $50 per month{# (renewing automatically each month) # }.</label>
  81. #}
  82. {% for option in options %}
  83.     {% set product = option.product %}
  84.     {% if product %}
  85.         <label class="d-block">
  86.             <table class="table">
  87.                 <tr {% if option.class is defined and option.class %}class="{{option.class}}" {% endif %}>
  88.                     <td style="width: 1px">
  89.                     <input
  90.                         name="directory_product"
  91.                         type="radio"
  92.                         value="{{ product.getId() }}"
  93.                         {{ item is not empty and item.getProduct() and item.getProduct.getId() == product.getId() ? 'checked' : '' }}
  94.                         {{ option.disabled is defined and option.disabled ? 'disabled' : 'required' }}
  95.                     />
  96.                     </td>
  97.                     <td>
  98.                         <h5 class="m-0 p-0">{{ product.getTitle() }}</h5>
  99.                         {% if option.description is defined and option.description %}
  100.                             {{ option.description|raw }}
  101.                         {% else %}<br />
  102.                             {{ product.getDescription()|raw }}<br />
  103.                             <strong>{{ product.getFullPrice() }}</strong>
  104.                         {% endif %}
  105.                         {% if option.extra_info is defined and option.extra_info %}
  106.                             <br><br><span style="font-weight: bold; color: black;!important">{{ option.extra_info|raw }}</span>
  107.                         {% endif %}
  108.                     </td>
  109.                 </tr>
  110.             </table>
  111.         </label>
  112.     {% endif %}
  113.     {# logic is now handled in the controller #}
  114.     {#
  115.     {% if (product.getPrice() == 0 and app.user and app.user.getMember() == constant("App\\Entity\\User::MEMBERSHIP_COMPANY")) or (product.getPrice() > 0) %}
  116.         {% set free_product_in_use = false %}
  117.         {% if product.getPrice() == 0 %}
  118.             {% for purchase in app.user.getPurchases() %}
  119.                 {% if purchase.getStatus() == constant("App\\Entity\\Purchase::STATUS_PROCESSED") %}
  120.                     {% for item in purchase.getItems() %}
  121.                         {% if product == item.getProduct() %}
  122.                             {% set free_product_in_use = true %}
  123.                         {% endif %}
  124.                     {% endfor %}
  125.                 {% endif %}
  126.             {% endfor %}
  127.         {% endif %}
  128.         {% if not free_product_in_use %}
  129.             <label class="d-block">
  130.                 <table class="table">
  131.                     <tr {% if product.getPrice() == 0 %}class="featured" {% endif %}>
  132.                         <td style="width: 1px">
  133.                         <input
  134.                             name="directory_product"
  135.                             type="radio"
  136.                             value="{{ product.getId() }}"
  137.                             {{ item is not empty and item.getProduct() and item.getProduct.getId() == product.getId() ? 'checked' : '' }}
  138.                             required
  139.                         />
  140.                         </td>
  141.                         <td>
  142.                             <h5 class="m-0 p-0">{{ product.getTitle() }}</h5>
  143.                             {{ product.getDescription()|raw }}<br />
  144.                             <strong>{{ product.getFullPrice() }}</strong>
  145.                         </td>
  146.                     </tr>
  147.                 </table>
  148.             </label>
  149.         {% endif %}
  150.     {% endif %}
  151.     #}
  152. {% endfor %}
  153. <hr />
  154. <!-- <p>*Included with R-Club Membership if you are a contractor. <a href="/rcs-club-sign-up">Sign up here</a>.</p> -->
  155. <button type="submit" class="button alt mt-3 mb-5">Purchase Your Directory Listing</button>
  156. <br><br>