templates/content/tmpl/1-col-sidebar.html.twig line 11

  1. {# 1 column sidebar #}
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  3.     <div class="row">
  4.         <div class="col-12 col-md-9">
  5.             {{ render(controller(
  6.                 'App\\Controller\\Master\\ContentController::pinnedCurtainAd',
  7.                 {
  8.                     'base_url': app.request.getSchemeAndHttpHost(),
  9.                     'uri': app.request.getRequestUri(),
  10.                     'current_route': app.request.attributes.get('_route')
  11.                 }
  12.                 ))
  13.             }}
  14.         {#
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  19.                 {% endif %}
  20.                 {% if (
  21.                 (app.request.pathinfo == '/rcs-influencers') 
  22.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/rlw-news-header') 
  23.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/roofing-galleries') 
  24.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/news-room') 
  25.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/roofing-galleries') 
  26.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/rcs-weekly-newsletters-week-review') 
  27.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/roofing-galleries') 
  28.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/trends-report-results')
  29.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/forum-news-header')) %}
  30.                     {% include  "includes/curtain-ads/newForum.html.twig" %}
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  33.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/members-only') 
  34.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/consulting') 
  35.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/new-club-member') 
  36.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/rcs-club-sign-up') 
  37.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/handy-forms') 
  38.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/sign-up') 
  39.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/roofers-safety-information')
  40.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/coffee-break')
  41.                 or (app.request.pathinfo == '/roofer-of-the-month')
  42.                 or current_route == "r-club-perk"
  43.                 ) %}
  44.                     {% include  "includes/curtain-ads/rclub.html.twig" %}
  45.                 {% endif %}
  46.                 { # information on section # }
  47.                 {% if (
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  49.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/buy-online') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/quick-quiz')
  50.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/contests-and-games') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/take-our-survey')
  51.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/rcs-photo-contest') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/information-on')
  52.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/roofing') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/information-on')
  53.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/product-information/roofing-technology') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/scholarships')
  54.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/vocational-schools') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/events')
  55.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/add-us') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/building-owners')
  56.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/safety-tip-of-the-week') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/product-information')
  57.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/training-resources') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/capacitacion-en-espanol')
  58.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/advocacy') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/trade-roofing-associations')
  59.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/rcs-cares') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/look-up')
  60.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/join-roofing-industry') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/awards')
  61.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/giving-back') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/veterans')
  62.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/about-us') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/advertise-on-rcs')
  63.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/canada-content') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/rcs-en-espanol')
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  65.                 or     (app.request.pathinfo == '/how-tos') or (app.request.pathinfo == '/contact-us')
  66.                 or     (current_route == 'promos') or (current_route == 'contests')
  67.                 or     (current_route == 'scholarship') or (current_route == 'event')
  68.                 or     (current_route == 'award')
  69.                 ) %}
  70.                     {% include  "includes/curtain-ads/information.html.twig" %}
  71.                 {% endif %}
  72.             {% endif %}
  73.         #}
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  110.             {# the hub link types - TODO - find better place for these exceptions #}
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  115.                         <a href="{{ videoLink }}">
  116.                             <i class="fa fa-play-circle"></i>
  117.                             Click here to view the video.</a>
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