templates/base.html.twig line 36

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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html lang="en">
  3.     <head>
  4.         {% include 'base/Header/general-imports.html.twig' %}
  5.         <!-- Style Sheets -->
  6.         {% block styles %}
  7.             <meta charset="utf-8">
  8.             <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=yes">
  9.             {% include 'base/Header/Stylesheets/' ~ site_code ~ '.html.twig' ignore missing %}
  10.         {% endblock %}
  11.         {% if app.environment != 'dev' %}
  12.             <!-- Analytics -->
  13.             {% include 'base/Header/Analytics/' ~ site_code ~ '.html.twig' ignore missing %}
  14.         {% endif %}
  15.         <!-- Tags -->
  16.         {% block taghead %}
  17.             {% include 'base/Header/Tags/' ~ site_code ~ '.html.twig' ignore missing %}
  18.         {% endblock %}
  19.     </head>
  20.     <body>
  21.         <div class="top-wrap">
  22.             {% block header %}
  23.                 {% include "includes/header/header-" ~ site_code ~ ".html.twig" %}
  24.             {% endblock %}
  25.             {% block bodywrap %}
  26.                 <div class="body-wrap">
  27.                 {% endblock %}
  28.                 {% block body %}{% endblock %}
  29.             </div>
  30.         </div>
  31.         {% block popout %}
  32.             {% if content is defined and content is not empty %}
  33.                 {# Render pop-out ad #}
  34.                 {{ render(controller(
  35.                     'App\\Controller\\Master\\ContentController::popoutAd',
  36.                     { 'content': content }
  37.                     ))
  38.                 }}
  39.             {% else %}
  40.                 {{ render(controller(
  41.                     'App\\Controller\\Master\\ContentController::popoutAd'
  42.                     ))
  43.                 }}
  44.             {% endif %}
  45.         {% endblock %}
  46.         <div class="bottom-wrap">
  47.             {% block footer %}
  48.                 {% include "includes/footer/footer-" ~ site_code ~ ".html.twig" %}
  49.                 {% if not app.request.cookies.get('acceptCookies') and not (app.user and app.user.getUserMetaValueByKey("acceptCookies")) %}
  50.                     {% include "includes/cookie-banner.html.twig" %}
  51.                 {% endif %}
  52.             {% endblock %}
  53.         </div>
  54.         {% include 'base/Body/' ~ site_code ~ '.html.twig' ignore missing %}
  55.     </body>
  56.     {% include 'base/Other/' ~ site_code ~ '.html.twig' ignore missing %}
  57. </html>