Log Messages

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deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle::build()" might add "void" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in child class "Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\SensioFrameworkExtraBundle" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation User Deprecated: The Sonata\Doctrine\Bridge\Symfony\SonataDoctrineSymfonyBundle class is deprecated since sonata-project/doctrine-extensions 1.17, to be removed in version 2.0. Use Sonata\Doctrine\Bridge\Symfony\SonataDoctrineBundle instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: The Sonata\Twig\Bridge\Symfony\SonataTwigSymfonyBundle class is deprecated since sonata-project/twig-extensions 1.10, to be removed in version 2.0. Use Sonata\Twig\Bridge\Symfony\SonataTwigBundle instead.
info Matched route
deprecation User Deprecated: Using XML mapping driver with XSD validation disabled is deprecated and will not be supported in Doctrine ORM 3.0. (XmlDriver.php:64 called by SimplifiedXmlDriver.php:23,, package doctrine/orm)
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.cached_reader" service is deprecated without replacement.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.reader" service is deprecated without replacement.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 6.4: The "annotations.cache_adapter" service is deprecated without replacement.
deprecation User Deprecated: The annotation mapping driver is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0, please migrate to the attribute or XML driver. (AnnotationDriver.php:69 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:1117,, package doctrine/orm)
deprecation User Deprecated: In ORM 3.0, the AttributeDriver will report fields for the classes where they are declared. This may uncover invalid mapping configurations. To opt into the new mode also with the AnnotationDriver today, set the "reportFieldsWhereDeclared" constructor parameter to true. (AnnotationDriver.php:80 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:1117,, package doctrine/orm)
deprecation User Deprecated: Creating Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\UnderscoreNamingStrategy without setting second argument $numberAware=true is deprecated and will be removed in Doctrine ORM 3.0. (UnderscoreNamingStrategy.php:51 called by App_KernelDevDebugContainer.php:1137,, package doctrine/orm)
deprecation User Deprecated: Version detection logic for MySQL will change in DBAL 4. Please specify the version as the server reports it, e.g. "5.7.40" instead of "5.7". (AbstractMySQLDriver.php:81 called by AbstractDriverMiddleware.php:68,, package doctrine/orm)
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "Vich\UploaderBundle\EventListener\Doctrine\CleanListener" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a listener instead, using e.g. the #[AsDoctrineListener] or #[AsDocumentListener] attribute.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "Vich\UploaderBundle\EventListener\Doctrine\RemoveListener" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a listener instead, using e.g. the #[AsDoctrineListener] or #[AsDocumentListener] attribute.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "Vich\UploaderBundle\EventListener\Doctrine\UploadListener" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a listener instead, using e.g. the #[AsDoctrineListener] or #[AsDocumentListener] attribute.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/doctrine-bridge 6.3: Registering "Sonata\Doctrine\Mapper\ORM\DoctrineORMMapper" as a Doctrine subscriber is deprecated. Register it as a listener instead, using e.g. the #[AsDoctrineListener] or #[AsDocumentListener] attribute.
deprecation Deprecated: App\Entity\User implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary)
deprecation User Deprecated: Method "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface::eraseCredentials()" might add "void" as a native return type declaration in the future. Do the same in implementation "App\Entity\User" now to avoid errors or add an explicit @return annotation to suppress this message.
deprecation Deprecated: App\Entity\PurchaseItem implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary)
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/var-exporter 6.4: Per-property lazy-initializers are deprecated and won't be supported anymore in 7.0, use an object initializer instead.
deprecation Deprecated: App\Entity\Product implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary)
info Connecting with parameters
  "driver" => "pdo_mysql"
  "charset" => "utf8mb4"
  "host" => ""
  "port" => 3306
  "user" => "roofers_stgusr"
  "password" => "<redacted>"
  "driverOptions" => []
  "serverVersion" => "5.7"
  "defaultTableOptions" => [
    "charset" => "utf8mb4"
    "collate" => "utf8mb4_unicode_ci"
  "dbname" => "roofers_staging2"
deprecation Deprecated: App\Entity\Coupon implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary)
deprecation Deprecated: Proxies\__CG__\App\Entity\User implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated. Implement __serialize() and __unserialize() instead (or in addition, if support for old PHP versions is necessary)
deprecation User Deprecated: Passing non-Order enum values to Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria::orderBy() is deprecated. Pass Order enum values instead. (Criteria.php:215 called by native code:0,, package doctrine/collections)
deprecation User Deprecated: Doctrine\DBAL\Statement::execute() is deprecated, use Statement::executeQuery() or Statement::executeStatement() instead (Statement.php:176 called by MegaMenuHelper.php:28,, package doctrine/dbal)
deprecation User Deprecated: Passing $params to Statement::execute() is deprecated. Bind parameters using Statement::bindParam() or Statement::bindValue() instead. (Statement.php:125 called by AbstractStatementMiddleware.php:69,, package doctrine/dbal)
deprecation User Deprecated: Doctrine\DBAL\Result::fetchAll is deprecated, please use fetchAllNumeric(), fetchAllAssociative() or fetchFirstColumn() instead. (Result.php:318 called by MegaMenuHelper.php:30,, package doctrine/dbal)
deprecation User Deprecated: Since sonata-project/block-bundle 4.11: The "sonata.block.cache.handler.default" service is deprecated since sonata-project/block-bundle 4.11 and will be removed in 5.0.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/validator 6.4: Method "Symfony\Component\Validator\ValidatorBuilder::setDoctrineAnnotationReader()" is deprecated without replacement.

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